Escape from HELL!

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Hank's Blog is about the website.
Looking Good
Hank & Lucy
Hank Fulk with Lucy Lou

Designing Websites since 1993

Back in 1993, my first websites were slow loading, with access to the Internet over phone lines at 28.8 kbps. Microsoft Frontpage was an editor of .html, and Netscape was the browser of choice. To upload a finished website could take hours if the hosting site was able to stay operational.

Photos took a lot of time to upload, then your browser sometimes would crash before the online pages got loaded. Your Internet connection would drop you and you would have to login again.

With Cable Internet, you can connect in real-time at 200 Mbps to 1,000 Mbps and work completely online. Fiber is even quicker, I’m now working in Eastern Europe and there is no noticeable difference than Nashville, TN.

New episodes of our stories about Shelby Gore and friends are available both here and at Our other much faster website, well if you can tell the difference in one and two seconds of load time. Both are quite FAST.

You Do have Choices
Beautiful and Peaceful
Drinking Coffee

Most companies will wait for Microsoft to get the bugs worked out of Windows 11, before converting their systems over to the new system. In the meantime, check out the Windows 11 video tutorials on YouTube. Watch them several times until you feel comfortable with what the new system has to offer.

When you buy a new computer, be sure you buy one that can handle everything you will be needing it for. TigerDirect has good deals on refurbished computers, as does Amazon. Though, be sure you get a computer with 16 Gig of DDR4 memory and at least a 500 Gig SSD, and Windows 10 Pro. This way you can upgrade to Windows 11 without any problems.

If you are looking into buying a new desktop, Checkout BeeLink Mini computers at Amazon. Whatever you do, be sure to drink plenty of CBD Coffee.

10 year-old Shelby
A 10-year-old that looked like this

Windows 11 is now available on all new computers being shipped in the USA and Europe. What this means is that your older computer may have been left behind. Microsoft has promised to keep supporting Windows 10 into 2025. In the meantime, computer prices will be going up, with Microsoft Surface now at $2500. Whatever you do, do NOT waste your money on the cheap Chromebooks being offered, they are not showing the Internet as it is now.

Shelby dresses better
Hank Fulk

Hank Fulk

"The Dreams of Shelby Gore" was published 9/10/2020 on Amazon for Kindle and in paperback. Click my name to get the book.

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