Shelby is a sixteen-year-old high school sophomore, rather much used to having her own way. Star of the Track & Field team at Cedarville High, winning by setting new school records: 4-minute mile. Pole vaulting, broad jump, 200-meter dash, this girl is FAST. …and not just on the track. Stories around this town say she has dated every boy in the entire high school. Some credit her with at least 5 inappropriate relationships with teachers. It is well known that she has the athletic coach wrapped around her little finger. This young girl has always known she is very appealing to the male population. There have been no complaints filed ever.
Seems the coach plays golf up at The Hill with Colonel Ted Sanders, chairman of the Cedarville State Bank. One day back in 1984, Sanders wanted him to clock the twelve-year-old girl running on their two-mile-long track. Seven minutes flat, but she is only in the sixth grade. Other students’ parents would not let him include her on the High School track team.
Susie Wilson was her Best Friend, Not one word in the last 6 1/2 months, though these girls had been friends for over 15 years. Both girls love boys, but neither have developed a lasting relationship with a boy their own age. Shelby went to the Junior-Senior Prom when she was in the eighth grade. Then last year as a freshman, she had two escorts. She made the high school track team at age 14 while in the eighth grade, the school needed a winner.
The Friday-night parties at the Gore home started when Shelby was only ten. Most weekends over 100 high school students attended, year-round. A 12-person hot-tub/spa on the screened-in back porch, with drop down bad weather curtains and an outdoor propane fireplace. Sure beat having to park on some backroad and getting caught by the cops. Parking next to the town square is even worse since the new Police substation was built on the southwest corner.