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Space Travel is Nothing New!

The Dreams of Shelby Gore!

Don't Mess with Shelby Gore, She's a REAL KILLER!

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It is Thursday April 14, 1988 and life for the 1400 residents living in Cedarville, Missouri will CHANGE forever. What does a certain 16 year-old girl do after school lets out for the day? The high school Principal and Superintendent are not talking; the athletic coach and two other male teachers are not really happy. This girl was added to the High School Track team when she was only in the 8th Grade but proved she could run a 4-minute mile and has for 3 years straight. This girl also takes first place in pole-vault and broad jump.

Forever may sound a little strong, but the general manager of the Cedarville Steel plant has decided to remove himself from that position. Gus Gore, the third shift supervisor for the last fifteen and a half years was promoted to fill this position; he’s also Shelby’s dad? Could there be more to this story, could Shelby be pregnant?

Cedarville is a small town of only 1400 residents, and rumors can travel fast. The steel plant employs just over 1,000 men and women. Cedarville State Bank is the only bank in town, it’s owned by Colonel Ted Sanders, who also holds the title of President for PSL Holdings, LTD, Bogota, Colombia SA. This is the company that owns the steel plant here. They own steel plants in Simple City, 11 miles to the west, and Marshland Steel 35 miles to the north and west?

Looking Good
She is smokin HOT!

Small towns always have lots of stories and rumors to give the old folks something to talk about… Colonel Ted Sanders has not one, but two wives that are seen around town, and both are smokin’ HOT. They are said to be best friends, though Ted is rarely ever seen together with both at the same time. He and Jessie, the blonde every Sunday attend the Community of Christ church here in Cedarville, Jodie goes to the Catholic church at Mtn. High.

Rumors circulating for the last nine months, ever since Cedarville Steel’s annual 4th of July celebration. That’s when Gus Gore’s 15-year-old blonde hottie daughter jumped Willie Johnson, with her arms around his neck, legs wrapped around his waist, kissing him squarely on the mouth. It’s said he pushed her back and said something.

Employees who’ve been called into Johnson’s office, talk of seeing a wall covered with pictures of this girl. Photos of her as a one-year-old child in a little pink dress, up to and including current photos of her at track meets, and in a red bikini.

All three steel plants were bought out back in the late 1960s. Upper management is well known to spend money like it grows on trees. Buying fancy cars, remodeled the Cedarville Steel office into a stone castle motif costing a lot more than was needed. Everything has been converted to ultra-modern computerized technology. Office crews work 24/7 doing things common now, that were never needed before.

The three steel plants were bought to make parts for the Advanced Aircraft plant at Mtn. High, 12 miles straight north. Since these three plants were built, they manufactured heavy duty truck parts, which they still make. Only one highway goes from Cedarville to Mtn. High, it’s a bad narrow road with lots of turns. The highway from Marshland is no better, most people having to go from Simple City, come through Cedarville.

Jessica & Jodie
Xavier & T-era

Big semis are seen hauling truck parts to the east and west, but rarely are trucks seen going to Mtn. High. Each plant does their shipping on the third shift, but no one ever elaborates on the details. Except, at Mtn. High, several of the 20,000 USAF workers do get drunk. They tell people everything is shipped by flying saucer, just like the ones being built over at the plant here.

Over the years since the Old Man Carter’s Quarry was converted into an under-ground aircraft manufacturing facility, there have been many rumors. General Xavier Emerson and T-era Rodriquez are a black couple that pretty well own this town. T-era owns the three banks, and a car dealership for every known make of car on Earth.

No one, and I do mean no one has ever visited them at their home which is said to be on Carter Island, accessed by crossing the steel bridge going out over Lake Camelot. This bridge is protected by armed guards 24/7. Xavier and T-era are just a nice-looking young couple who many say never age. Truck drivers who make deliveries across this bridge, tell of a giant medieval stone castle manned by hundreds of people who never venture into town.

PLUS: T-era owns the Airport, Truckstop, Mall which has a 24-hour diner and a large Young’s Family & Home Center. Over the years, several tourists have tried to cross the bridge, but were ordered off. A few times each year, a stretched-out pearl-white Classic RR limo will come into town with four cute young oriental women. These four act like young schoolgirls, excited by everything they see and hear. They usually dine at Ruby’s Diner in the mall, then head back across the bridge.

A couple old Cherokee Indians who still live in this area tell stories passed down from their ancestors. They claim this brown-skinned couple came down from the sky before the Civil War battle. This was way back before Lake Camelot was near as big as it is today. Many of the Cherokees worked at the giant stone castle and stayed there until the war was over, before deciding to move onto Oklahoma.

Shelby dresses better
Too Sexy for School

Springfield TV News Thursday night April 14th was all about an attempted kidnapping within a block of the Cedarville high school. The would-be kidnappers were Colombians, all four were killed, they’d already murdered an old man and stolen his car. It was lucky for the girl involved that she has a private security detail for her protection, so no other students got hurt.

April 1988 brought lots of changes: William L. Johnson, resigned as plant general manager at Cedarville Steel. Gus Gore, Shelby’s father was promoted to this position, immediately Gore’s 16-year-old daughter is involved in a romance with Johnson. The girl is a real looker with quite a reputation, it’s common knowledge she likes boys! On Friday April 15th, Shelby Gore shows up at school wearing a five-carat diamond center stone ring with quarter-carat diamond and emerald side stones. Matches other jewelry this girl is seen wearing to school.

Shelby Gore dresses too sexy for school, this black dress is one of several that have gotten her sent to the office. One phone call and then she returns to class still wearing the same dress.

Here is a photo of Shelby’s ring that caused lots of questions. The pearl white 1989 Caddie convertible she was driving to school the following Wednesday really kicked the rumors into high gear. This girl is not known for keeping a low profile.

This is Shelby's Ring

How much would such an exquisite ring cost? Click Ring to learn more about Shelby.

Shelby dresses better
too Sexy for School
How long can you last? 2 hours, 3 1/2 hours, longer?
How long can you last? 2 hours, 3 1/2 hours, longer?
Hank & Lucy