Twelve hoodlums got out of the cars and headed toward the old men. One of the bad guys spoke first: “Hey, who ever’s granddaughter she is, she’s cute. We’ll take her with us and have a party in her honor. When she gets too tired to do us anymore, we’ll just slice her throat and throw her remains in a trash dumpster. That way there’s no funeral to pay for, since you guys have no money left.”
That guy reached out to squeeze one of my cuties, I grabbed his wrist with one hand and came up under his elbow with the other hand hard. The old guys could easily hear his arm break, as I slung his body into the next two of his friends. Their heads collided, with two skulls breaking open.
Jumping over these three, I hit the fourth in the face with my foot, smashing it clear back to his ears. My other foot caught him in the stomach at the bottom of his ribcage, sending him back into number five and six. Landing on this pile of three men, I stomped their chests to their backbones. Seven and eight had their guns out trying to line up a shot at this female demon. Their guns went off as I did a flying split and shot nine and ten. Wasting no time, I grabbed their gun hands and brought these two together hard and stomped their heads.
Wait a minute, where are the last two? They had run off leaving their dead or dying friends, each grabbing one of the two cars. Tires squealed as they backed away from the square, ran into each-other, doing major damage to both cars, and took off north tires squalling, and engines leaking oil on the pavement.
“Shelby! Shelby come with me to the Suburban, we’ll take you home so your mother can help you get cleaned up.” it was the woman who had been my personal trainer for the last little over a week. “Then you can go up to The Hill and take Melon down to the lake.”
A tarp was thrown over one seat for me to sit on and not damage the leather upholstery. They took me straight home, Momma was waiting beside our house in the driveway with a garden hose and a large soft bristled brush. She sprayed me down and then using the brush and hose cleaned the crap off my young body.