Is Shelby for REAL?
Is Shelby for REAL? good question, she gets me several thousand visitors each day to the website, she believes it’s her responsibility to get things done that need to be done.
For a High School sophomore, Shelby Gore sizzles: cheerleader, track-star, and a real killer, but there is a whole book that tells MORE…
A sixteen year old girl can’t have done that much to be talked about by the Old Ladies of Cedarville, Missouri. Stories told to them by the Old Men who spend their days playing checkers in the town square park. But in April of 1988 rumors started to fly. Four men sent by a Colombian drug cartel tried to kidnap this girl on her way home from school got sent home in body bags. A GMC Suburban with blacked out windows follows her everywhere she goes, been there since the day Shelby turned one-year-old.
Shelby got her driver’s license after school on Tuesday, and Wednesday started driving a custom 1989 Cadillac Alante convertible to school. This car had the L7 Corvette running gear; most dealers had not even seen this new model or it’s options. What has this girl done to be wearing a 5 carat diamond on her left hand. Several people were reporting they had seen her at church on Sunday sitting with Willie Johnson holding hands. He is her dad’s boss at the local steel plant, Gus Gore was just promoted to plant General Manager?
The every Friday night parties over at the Gore home for the last six years, suddenly ended last autumn on September 28, her 16th birthday. Rumors are running WILD… This is nothing for a small town to turn it’s back on. Could a local business that employs over one thousand be in trouble? The local high school has several teachers that are NOT happy with this girl (young lady).
The parties were NOT all that ended on her 16th birthday, there are somethings in a small town that can’t be talked about. The old men down in the town square tell stories and laugh a lot about things they know. One thing they are not laughing about: one of their friends, Old Bob is DEAD, murdered.
Shelby Gore has been planning for over six years on how she can get Willie Johnson, but there is Kare-Ann Young. These two females were friends until the argument last July. Susie Wilson, the bank president’s daughter used to be best friends, now they do not even talk at church on Sundays.
Henry “Hank” Fulk, Published Author, "The Dreams of Shelby Gore" as a South Missouri teenage girl is forced to Grow-Up quickly, having to FIGHT organized Crime to stay alive. Someone has to take a stand, and when there is no one else, it's up to you.
Is Shelby for REAL? good question, she gets me several thousand visitors each day to the website, she believes it’s her responsibility to get things done that need to be done.